Chestnut hydrolysable tannin

for the tanning of hides and skins

We only extract the tannin from chestnut wood, through a natural process of leaching in the water. All the qualities of the organic acid molecules the tannin is composed of remain intact. We chose the chestnut tree because its tannin is hydrolysable. This feature leads to an ecological and safe use, and guarantees a high-quality product.

High quality of the molecule

It improves the leather production yield, reducing, at the same time, the need of tanks cleanliness

It leads to a cleaner, more natural and resistant leather

Astringent extracts

The astringent extracts of Saviotan Leather are used in the traditional tanning of hides and skins – slow, made in the tank – for sole leather.

Softened extracts (Basic)

The softened extracts of Saviotan Leather have a higher ph compared to the astringent ones, to allow a better penetration of the product into the already tanned leather.


Saviotan Leather is used in the tanning process to create a solid and resistant product, suitable for sole leather and for all the uses which require resistance and duration.





Consortium Cuoio di Toscana

The brand Cuoio di Toscana expresses the vocational excellence of the Consortium Vero Cuoio Italiano. Its main purpose is to spread an informed culture of the sole leather.

The brand Cuoio di Toscana means transparency, attention to the environment and quality of Made in Italy. All these values have been passed down through generations by the Consortium, and all the associated tanneries identify themselves with them.

More nature to Style

The use of Saviotan Leather, a natural chestnut extract, unlike other products,
doesn’t have any negative consequences on the enviroment. It is an environmentally friendly choice that guarantees high quality products.