The soles of the shoes, as the heels, need high resistance and strong durability. Since using them means to damage them, it is recommended a classic slow tanning, achieved through the use of astringent chestnut tannin extracts.
Saviotan Leather, used in the tanning of hides and skins, provides a high quality and resistant leather. As you know, the leather absorbs the most important qualities from the tannin it is processed with. This is the reason why the material treated with Saviotan Leather has a cleaner and more natural aspect.
Saviotan Leather, used in the traditional tanning, leads to high quality features. The leather treated with Saviotan Leather is a complete material that guarantees solidity and stiffness.
The leather used for belts production must have specific peculiarities. These can be provided by the softened extracts of Saviotan Leather. This kind of goods requires resistance, softness and flexibility.